Who am I and why should you care?

I am the JourneyMan. I like that description because my writing, like life, has been a journey into uncharted territory and along familiar paths. I have zigged and zagged and sometimes zigged when I should have zagged. I have looked over the world from the vista and up at it from the gutter.

I want to share the journey and the wisdom gained from it with you.

Another reason for the name “JourneyMan” is the meaning of the word. A journeyman is neither a novice nor a master craftsman. He knows his craft, and is committed to it, but is still working hard to master it.

Journeyman: One who has mastered a handicraft or trade; distinguished from apprentice and from master workman.”

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The writings, fussings, musings, and insights of author, educator, business leader, and general flunkie Gene Strother. Fiction? Of course! Social commentary? You bet. Inspiration? Information? Indignation? I write everything and other things, as well.


...lover, fighter, midnight writer....I am the JourneyMan, neither master nor novice. If you feel like you might be a little out of place everywhere and right at home anywhere, my writing might suit you just fine. If it does, that is fine by me.